Manufactured in Catalonia
Sold throughout Europe
Many of today brands do not have their own production. Most manufacture their products with other suppliers, in countries where labor is very cheap and where in some cases working conditions are extremely below European standard.
At Eticsports we are aware of this and have opted to produce our products within our factory in Catalonia. This way we can guarantee our customers a high quality product and our workers the best working conditions.
Developed at home
From raw material to final finishing, through design and confection, all the manufacturing processes of the garment take place in our facilities in Gironès (Catalonia). Thanks to this we can guarantee delivery times and a perfect product.
European products
All our products or materials purchased externally are from within Europe, to companies that have the same philosophy as us. Proximity products and good quality.
Our team
A team that combines experience and innovation.
We have a great clothing team with an experience of more than 42 years. Experienced in swimwear and now also in sportswear. A team in charge of sewing all our clothes.
The pattern maker is the person who is responsible for creating the garment (the pattern) and preparing it for sewing. It is also who creates the sizing and decides what sizes should be made.
The design team is responsible for creating the drawings and patterns of the garments.